Fact check: ‘When Texas freezes over’ tweet is a fake, not from Ted Cruz – CNN
Not much that goes viral is true
(what passes for truth these days?);
but let’s keep this between me and you.
Fake posts are nigh impossible to undo
(lies are unseemly, but social lying pays);
alas, not much that goes viral is true.
I want for this poem a million views
(if only to cure my digital malaise);
but let’s keep this between me and you.
A simple search can any lie disprove
(we see the world through LED displays);
how is so little of what goes viral true?
My sadness won’t be cured by good reviews
(each retweet brings a jolt of praise);
but let’s keep this between me and you.
I wonder if Zuckerberg or Brin or Dorsey knew
the consequence of monetizing our gaze,
If they brood that not much of what goes viral is true
even as they grow rich off the harm to me and to you.
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