A Five-Step Action Plan on Democracy and Climate
I choose to make a stand on the beaches even as the waters rise and the sun bears down hotter than ever. And I choose to do so with a spirit of love, joy, righteous anger, and deep sadness.
I choose to make a stand on the beaches even as the waters rise and the sun bears down hotter than ever. And I choose to do so with a spirit of love, joy, righteous anger, and deep sadness.
It is a fallacy to claim that because only one political party opposes this rising threat, fighting for the preservation of American democracy is a partisan issue. If a train is on the verge of crashing into a group of pedestrians, the political affiliation of the conductor is immaterial to the task at hand: saving lives.
Birthdays present the chance to reflect on the passage of time, on how one’s life has intersected with the broader narrative of humanity. I was born on November 14, 1984
“Nationalism is power-hunger tempered by self-deception. Every nationalist is capable of the most flagrant dishonesty, but he is also–since he is conscious of serving something bigger than himself–unshakably certain of being in the right.” – George Orwell, Notes on Nationalism […]
I slept poorly, but rose at dawn to tend to my garden.
First I wrapped the world’s largest tree in aluminum.
Then I trucked seventeen million salmon to the sea.
Greetings from my new home in Thousand Oaks, California! Chance and I drove 3,100 miles in an electric vehicle (“EV”) from Boston, MA to here, in just five days; we met up with Bianca and Richard, who had flown in […]
Go on the website of any environmental nonprofit worth its salt, and you will see language about the imperative to ensure a “just transition” to a green economy. The Climate Justice Alliance defines a just transition as “a place-based set […]
In the face of bad headlines–wildfires, the Delta variant, the Gulf Stream on the verge of collapse–I double-down on productive actions I can take: calling elected officials, donating, and finding ways to use Capital Good Fund as a better and […]
The Big Lie that fueled an attempted coup now forms the basis of an entire political party’s strategy for holding on to power: make it hard for people who are likely to vote the “wrong way” to cast a ballot, label any election they lose as fraudulent, and slowly give themselves the power to overturn elections they disagree with.
On days such as this you’ll find me reaching
into every nook and cranny, tidying up as though
I had it in me to put things where they belong.